Superfactory (TM)
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You can participate in the Superfactory(TM) in 5 easy steps:


(0) As a Prosumer you enter the shop floor
(1) Play the game and win a Mini-FM Kit + CD
(2) Join the DIY* building of Mini-FM kits at the workshop
(3) Make up your own pirate radio station and broadcast (OC**)
(4) Join the Plug-in Party together with other Prosumers
(5) Be revolutionary televised live!
    on Superfactory ASCII Channel TV
(6) Be streamed in the WWW via MP3-Audio-Livestream


The very first step (0) actually is very simple, just start
your career!

The second step (1) consists of playing a nice "memory game",
our new "MEMEX", where you get to know all the exciting 
people of the scene: the hacker artisan, the curatorsponsor, 
the peer-to-peer oparist, the supermart prosumer, 
the alternative economy believer, the open source ego, 
the multitude multi and many more.
If you win, it's easy, you can buy a bag with one manual 
and map, one original audio-cd with rip-material and one 
antenna for your own Mini-FM transmitter!

In (2) - organized like a workshop (DIY*) - you can become
a blue collar worker and watch how Mini-FM kits are made, 
and operators will explain how you can finish yours. 

Within step (3) you make up your own pirate radio station
with your own MHz-frequenzy and your private/public 
underground radioshow (OC**).

Join the Plug-in Party together in (4) with other Prosumers.

Finally step five (5) and (6) are the real highlight, when 
everything is broadcasted live on Superfactory ASCII Channel 
TV and streamed in the WWW via MP3-Audio-Livestream.
* DIY = Do-It-Yourself
** OC = Open Content
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|  A             /|- /\          | [] [] [] [] |             |        |
|  N             /\              |_____________|             |        |
|  C         Prosumers enter                                 |        |
|  E         the Shop Floor      ASCII MEMEX GAME            V        |
|                                Play & Win a                         |
|                                Mini-FM Kit + CD            2        |
|                                                        __________   |
|                                                       |          |  |
|             5                   6                     |          |  |
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|     |____|    ||_____||               \        |      |__________|  |
|               |_______|                        |                    |
|    live TV Superfactory      MP3-Audio         |       Mini-FM      |
|    ASCII Channel             Livestream        |       Workshop     |
|                  ^     ^                   O   |       DIY**        |
|                   \   /                   /|-  |                    |
|                    \ /                    /\   |                    |
|                     |                          |                    |
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|            O  |  | | +  o |             |                      |    |
|           /|\ |___________|~~           |______________________|    |
|           /\                                                        |
|               Plug-in Party              Free OC* broadcasting      |
|                                          & receiving on MHz         |
|                                                                     |
| ____                                                                |
| * OC = Open Content                                                 |
| ** DIY = Do-It-Yourself                                             |
(c) 2007 Superfactory(TM)
Informational Free Jazz

We don't want to show "informational free jazz" = synonym 
for free labour but the combination of a production process 
with a point of sale. And there is hard work on hardware!

The Superfactory(TM) does not believe in immaterial work 
as the new new paradigm of capitalism. 
And there is no doubt, that radio exists under capitalistic 
circumstances. Sure, for real work in a real factory you need 
to buy the labour of the workers. But here in this mix of a 
factory with a supermarket you can exploit yourself. Sit down 
and assemble a transmitter and then do a better than good radio 
show for the people out there! It takes not more than 15 minutes 
of your lifetime-value (or more. YOU decide!).


You can regulate it all in a legal sense. You can fight for open 
standards, open content, open sources, sure you can attack private 
property. But as long as the surplus work and the surplus value 
happens in the modi of labour, and as long as exploitation is the 
de facto non-open meta-standard of society (call it service society, 
network society or post-industrialage) as a whole free radio practice 
is not the problem of restriction of knowledge power itself. It is 
the problem of the control of a few - who want profit! - over many.

That is the wave of a clash of new forms of production, via data-
manipulation, with the "making of..." of (in our case) mini-fm radio 
And when we say "we show" we want to invite people to build these 
kits and produce their own radio show. But they have to play in 
front! Prosumers rights are unfortunately not solved by the GPL. 
Nothing is already there, there! 
Or how do you bring on the bacon?

(c) 2007 Superfactory(TM)

by Matze Schmidt

We invented the Superfactory(TM) to discuss, show and deconstruct 
practical and theoretical models of alternative production and 
economy. "We" is a group of people in Berlin - Karsten Asshauer, 
Mindaugas Gapsevicius and me - and elsewhere connected through 
a symbolic interface like the interest for making things with 
things and the will for cooperation. When one asks for a 3pages 
text about our undertakings we probably would write this:

Standing on the shoulders of giants

All creating derives a benefit from what others have done before. The 
field of cultural production is not a special one outside the normal 
life. The very first manufacturing in mankind needed what we call 
cultural skills. Culture and economics are two sides of one coin. But 
times changed and nowadays culture is standing on the shoulders of 
workers officially doing no culture at all when they are working. 
This is discussed by the Cultural Industries and the Cultural 
Studies, but even terms like Industrial Culture or Business Culture 
can not push beside the fact, that culture does not create the 
surplus the capital needs for making profit.

What is this Surplus, anyway?

The "(TM)", the acronym for Registered Trademark, in the label of the 
project is a reference to a tag used in the newsgroups of the Usenet 
marking a textual claim. And it is a reference to the debates in 
bulletin boards of the early WWW for marking commercial tendencies 
within the system of the Web. But it has nothing to do with the so 
called commercializing of social fields, since all real production 
inside the capitalistic society HAS to be capitalistic. It is since 
over 200 years commercial right from the ground up. As we started, 
we thought it would be a clear statement to all illusionists who 
believe in a better or other world possible now and here without
plans for ending capitalism itself instead of reforming it. But 
this is my opinion, the others in the group would tell another 
Keep in mind, that only the productive worker is able to produce 
surplus value while he is doing surplus work. The whole art and 
cultural scene does depend on special founding of this surplus coming 
out of the industry and the service world. One could say that 
actually all artists, designers and architects live from this basic 
work of the workers who create the profit. Cultural work is in 
reality unproductive work for the capital.

Supermarket + Factory

The theme and title of the project is a combining of the words 
Supermarket plus Factory. Here users can learn how to work whilst 
shopping. But as we all know consuming is not labour, so we have to 
differentiate those two categories. The idea of being a productive
worker while "working" in the Web 2.0 (Blogging, YouTubing) pushes 
away the fact, that the user pays for this all. So he does nothing 
else than using a service as he is producing himself in Second Life. 
Therefore the Super-Factory operates with a phantasm which is quite 
often utilized in the scene talking about Informal Economy.

Altive Econ

Promises of an Informal Economy or an Alternative Economy in 
opposition to the capitalistic way of production came with early 
anarchists (e.g. Pierre Joseph Proudhon) and had a revival in the 
1990s in the left wing of the New Economy. It is a non ending 
discussion, so we can make a line here, listing some labels which 
stand close to this Altive Econ: Creative Commons (which are in fact 
Anti-Commons), CCC (Chaos Computer Club, which I call the Corrective 
Computer Club, a German anti-business association), Umsonstladen 
("Free Goods Shop" where you can not buy a thing because the goods 
- old books for example - are nothing worth than use value), 
GPL-Society (the I-am-so-free-Scene linked to the high-business of 
Linux), Cultural Flatrate (a German model for a new culture tax to 
help non-efficient artists), Collaboration of the Coyote (the 
totally nomadic freelancer subject), attac (let's fight Hedge Fond's 
together, Mr. President). All those movements have in common the 
idea of changing the system of exploitation today and without
The right wing technocrats of the US came out with one author in the 
late 1960s and again in the 1980s, who claimed an upcoming new kind 
of citizen very close to this reform: The Prosumer.

The Prosumer

Alvin Toffler told of democratic capitalism and the perforation of 
the borders between consumer and producer. The Prosumer was about to 
do both: the work and the consuming at the same time. This would 
increase the power of the masses to get what they really want. Sure, 
industry can not produce without knowing what is needed, but the 
industry as we know it must produce more than is needed to overcome 
competitors and people must not steal it (the last argument is the 
reason for copyrights). Ironically Toffler was right from the start, 
because the one who produces a mass product is the one who is 
expropriated from his product and has to buy it as a ware. So he 
or she is the one who sets up this thing called commodity and has to 
consume as he or she pays for it. This is in short the idiotic cycle 
of the reproduction of the capital.

Bricolage & DIY

One model is a sort of short run solution of this whole complex, to 
find out what is going on in political economy. It is the "bricolage" 
(Claude Levi-Strauss), which is simply "making things with things", 
also know as DIY (Do it Yourself). You start to produce your own 
products besides the market and see what will happen. As a matter of 
fact this is not just a sexy option, but the normal day life in any 
case. It is also called the reproduction of the subject. But even 
this basic reproduction can become a domain of the rules of capital.

Example Mini-FM Radio Transmitters

Our example for this is the tradition of making radio. This medium 
has now about 100 years of history of doing things with things, which 
are - especially in Germany - prohibited by the state. The state is 
the frame for capital itself. It it still not allowed in most 
civilized countries to make up your own radio station, as long as 
you don't pay for it. This is rooted in the dialectics of the good
(as article of commerce) and the use.

Production of Consumption


"The object of art 'like every other product' creates a public which is 
sensitive to art and enjoys beauty. Production thus not only creates 
an object for the subject, but also a subject for the object. Thus 
production produces consumption (1) by creating the material for it; 
(2) by determining the manner of consumption; and (3) by creating the 
products, initially posited by it as objects, in the form of a need 
felt by the consumer. It thus produces the object of consumption, the 
manner of consumption and the motive of consumption. Consumption 
likewise produces the producer's inclination by beckoning to him as 
an aim-determining need." (

So that is why we can say

"The problem is NOT copyright or licences, stupid! It's production."

Berlin, 05.06.2007