entrance | concept | dates | archive | about | game | shop | download | links |
A Memex Wall Superfactory(TM) & mi_ga lauf.werk . tmp . data.rescue . fr 22. - so 24. juni 07 eroeffnung fr 18 Uhr medien.projekt.raum /tmp luetzowstr 20 . d - 10785 berlin u-bahn kurfuerstentrasse www.data.rescue.slash-tmp.de/artists/superfactory.php A Memex Wall Superfactory(TM) in a cooperation with mi_ga Rapid flow of letters and numbers on a monitor wall has nothing to do with chaos theory which can cause big disruptions in our world. It has also nothing to do with hackers world as one would like to say. Thus we show the monitor wall within a context of "memex game" a "memory extender" game, the term of which was used to call a proto-hypertext computer system influencing the development of subsequential hypertext and intellectual augmenting computer systems. A "memex game" is a visual translation of that complex systems proposed by Vannevar Bush back in 1945. Here you get to know exciting people of the scene - the hacker artisan, the peer-to-peer oparist, the open source ego, etc. - all necessary to build up a more or less complex structure of contemporary economy and politics. The monitor wall or a Bookshelf how originally was called, represents a network traffic translated into descriptive form, so the unseen side of "networking" would be understandable or at least readable. In a technical terms the flow of letters and numbers on the monitors would sound like 'tcpdump', a common computer network debugging tool. In the game you have to find certain motives with as few clicks as possible and as quick as possible. With click on 'neues Spiel' (new game) for a short time nine pictures are shown, whose situation must be reminded! You start the game with 100 points, each second is started one point is taken and each wrong click costs 3 points. Score as much points as possible and be a winner! Much fun and success! ASCII MEMEX Game "Be A Winner!" www.superfactory.biz/game.html ^^`.........^........^....^...................`..`..`..`..`.`.`````` ``` ^^` ....`.``..^^.^^.^.^^^..^^.^^.^.^.^..........`.`.`.`.`..`.....`.```` ^^``...` ` `` ``.^^.^..^^.^..^.^.^...^^.^.........`.`.```.`.`........`` ^^``.^.`.OO+.. ```` `.^..^.^^..^..^.^.^..^..^..........................` ^^``.....rv=l=:+... ``` ^.^.^^.^^^.^^.^..^.^............................ :^ `.^.``Ovzzz+?+::...```....`^.^^^..^^.^.^..^^..........`..........^... ^^ ......rXltl??+::...````.........^^.^^.^^.^......................^^.` ^^``.^```wzlOO?+++++`.````.dVkw&.....`.^^..^.^^.^................^.. ^. :.` .^```1O1OO??+;:+`.```..JpRZuzOz+.. ...^.^.^..^...................`^^ ^.``.^.````````??+;+`!``` .JpHXXtOOzz+.. `.......^.............^..^ ^^.. ^.`..```... .```` ```!``` .JbHXWZwOlz+.. `. ..................``^^^. :` ````...`.``.. .``` ````.JpHWVXXwlzj:. ``.... `` ..............^^^.^ :. . . `. `., .```.`TUXUXvrlvj:. ......````` .`.......... ^^^^. ^` ...... .``` ```.....``???z+:. ` .....``````. `.+...... .^^^^^ :```..^.JJ....... ` ........``. ` ..^....``` `.zXtz+....`^^^. ^.``.^^.Jg@WkkO+...... ` ``` ...... ..`....``` .JZrI?++..`^^^^ :```..^.J@MHqkXXXwwc+... .. ` ` `` ` ... `````` `.JXvO=z;?..^^^^ ^.`...^.J@MHHHWXXuzIw|..`....... ` `` `...... ``.`Xwwlz?;..^^^. :` `..^.J@HNHHWWWkXIwr .` `1z++........ ` ``` `....`` `?1z1??;:.^^^^ :```.^^.JMMMggKWWkX0dr .` .1O??+?:^^.. ```. ` ``` ```.....``!! ^^^^ ^``...^.JHMHHHkyfSX0d$ . .jOzzz;;+:^` .``...... ` `` ``......^^^^ :` .^^...``?7+zT6XZzI .` .+tI=z+?+:.:`. `.JOz1+......`` ``` ````^^^ :` .^`..........````! . .`tIz=+?+:`?.. `.`rIlz;+:.. ```.``` ` ^^^^ :`` ``. ``........... .`?z?++;+:``...`.`vZlz??;+^.` `..&+...`.. ^^^^ :``.. ` ````` `.`!.. `........`````..`.`OXll+?;+`..``..wkrI=++.``^^^ :` ` ..`.`` `` ``` ``............ .``.`zrzO+++;...``..dWzZlz++..^^^ :.``^^``..`.`````` `````` `......```.`????!::``. `..jVuXOO=+, ^^^ :``..^`.Jmm+J.....`.`...`` ``` `. .. ``......`.```.JyuXww=?:.^^^ ^`` .^..JHHg@HKWWkA+..``` . ``` ````..``` `..```.`7+z1z1+: ^^^ :```^^``JHMH@@HWWHyXdS.. ........ ` `` ` .```!` ` ...`.`.``! `^^ :`` .^^.JHMM@HHkHHWywW..``^?XkwO?+...... ````` ` ```` ` ``` ..`^^ :`` ^^^.`@MMM@NHHHWWvW!```.JVkwuZl1?++!`.`. .... .``.`````` .. ```^^ ^`` .^^`,@MMMHNHHHWVZW!.``.`fWXXZOOzz+c ``..W#NNMNmgJ... .```` ``.^^^ :.` .^^.`MMMHMNWHkWWVW:`` .`WWXZZwwzl?z.``..dNNNNMNNNMr.`.. .``.``..`^^^ :`` ^^^..`?!?7=+zTUTCX;.`` `WWXykwvOl+v..``.dNMNNMMNN#b.`..JXOz+... `^^ :`` .^^...^. `.`.``. `````.`XWUU0Orzlv=..` .JNMNMNNMNN#.` ``ZZvz=?+!``^^ :`` ```....````.........`` ..^``!`???!+..``.JNNNNMNNNNN.`...Z0zOl?+:`.^^ ^`.. `` .....` ` ```.` ``.......^``.JMNMNMMNNNN.` ..Z0uOlzz+` ^^ :` ``` ``` `` ` ....```.`...` ...``?7"YWMMM```..u0vOl1z? 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Superfactory(TM) Spring in the East - Mini Tour | ( ) | | | | Radioturm Europaplatz "Ringsendung Riga 2007" 3 hours making of radio with Open Fake Stream(TM), not "Real" real stream, noise and more noise and endless free software, Mini-FM and (maybe) 1:1 Helmet Radio, Plug-in Party for transformers and Tense for the hearing Synthesizerbody. Space Building We celebrate 1000 Years of Radio in an ultra quick week of Hoerspiel. Do you remember the design of the Ringsendungen, the perfect hookup for the circular social band? We will set up this globalized network en miniature on a table with Mini-FM transmitters and notebooks. Brecht and Enzensberger were right, but Baudrillard was righter, wasn't he? Can you see the future of your MurdochSpace? Event 65 years later (since 1942) it's not yours, don't take it! Friday, 27th April Riga Centre for New Media Culture - RIXC Latvia Riga Centre for New Media Culture - RIXC 11 Novembra Krastmala 35 - 201 LV 1050 Riga Latvia Ph: +371 7228478 Fax: +371 7228477 e-mail: rixc (at) rixc.lv http://rixc.lv Saturday, 28th April Culture Communication Centre of Klaipeda - CCCK Lithuania German Culture Days 2007 in Klaipeda Klaipeda Culture Communication Center - CCCK Darzu str. 10/ Baznyciu str. 4 LT 91246, Klaipeda Lithuania Tel./fax.: + 370 46 310 357 E-mail: centras (at) kulturpolis.lt http://www.kulturpolis.lt http://www.kulturpolis.lt/en/about.html Website Superfactory(TM) @ KKKC |
Total Warez Awareness The conjunction of the aesthetics of hobbyistic technology knowledge transfers and the capitalist mode of production lecture + workshop @ KHM Köln - 15.11.2006 - 14:00-17:00 hrs with Matze Schmidt, mi_ga & Karsten Asshauer Get ready in 5 easy curves: 1. Talk about aesthetics 2. What's hobbyistic technology knowledge anyway? 3. Transfer. For example radio 4. Learn about the capitalist mode of production 5. "Broadcast Yourself" - Do you YouTube or what? Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln Peter-Welter-Platz 2 50676 Köln http://www.khm.de/ Snapshots / Pictures Superfactory(TM) @ KHM Köln - 15.11.2006 |
Superfactory(TM) - Lithuania Tour 2006 Superfactory(TM) - Lecture + Workshop + Plug-In-Party @ Summer Facilities of the Vilnius Academy of Arts in Nida / Lithuania Video by Alvydas Lukys Video - superfactory-plug-in-party-nida-lt.mpg [223 MB - 720 x 576 - MPEG2] Pictures by michael van den bogaard Lecture + Workshop + Plug-In-Party - Pictures Videos + Pictures by Therese Schuleit Plugin-Party-01 [5.18 MB - 320 x 240 - MPEG1] Plugin-Party-02 [5.17 MB - 320 x 240 - MPEG1] Plugin-Party-02 [5.20 MB - 320 x 240 - MPEG1] Lecture + Workshop + Plug-In-Party - Pictures Superfactory(TM) on tour in Lithuania /\ * < > NEW PROSUMERS-NEW FRONTIERS * * \/ * Workshop & Lecture @ whale in baltic Nida - Lithuania - 02.09.-08.09.06 http://www.khm.de/mg/animation/whaleinbaltic Summer Facilities of the Vilnius Academy of Arts (Vilniaus Dailes Akademijos Praktikos Dirbtuves) Taikos g. 43 93012 Neringa-Nida Lietuva (Lithuania) Workshop + Plug-In-Party + Live-Stream! @ Club INTRO - Vilnius - Lithuania 09.09.06 - 17:00-20:00 EET (GMT+2) Maironio 3 (near St. Anna's Church) http://www.intro.lt/ Bring along your mp3, lp, cd & tape players, md recorders, radio receivers, laptops, records, cds, mds, mp3s ... Broadcasting live from 17:00-20:00 EET (GMT+2) on local MHz and Audiolivestream: http://www.superfactory.biz:7998/listen.pls ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | -____ | | \__/ | | .. Superfactory(TM) | | | | in .lt | | | | | | 1 | | 0 _____________ | | E | | | | N O | X X X X X | | | T /|\ O | X X X X | | | R /\ O /|\ -----> | X . X X | ------------- | | A /|- /\ | _ . _ _ | | | | N /\ | ^ | | | | C Prosumers enter |_____________| | | | E the Shop Floor V | | Volks-Invaders | | Play & Win a 2 | | Mini-FM Kit + CD __________ | | | | | | 5 6 | | | | _______ ------ | |_ | | | ____ | _____ | / | | \_\~ | | | |>. | -> || || ://WWW. [](- | | | | | |____| ||_____|| \ | |__________| | | |_______| | | | live TV Superfactory MP3-Audio | Mini-FM | | ASCII Channel Livestream | Workshop | | ^ ^ O | DIY** | | \ / /|- | | | \ / /\ | | | | | | | O V 3 | | 4 /|\ ______________________ | | ___________ /\ | | | | E | | | ))).((( | | | X | | | | | O | (((+))) ____| | | | I | | + | . | -|\ <----- | |_ | o| | | | T | + | | . | /\ | \_\~ |____| | | | O | | | + o | | | | | /|\ |___________|~~ |______________________| | | /\ | | Plug-in Party Free OC* broadcasting | | & receiving on MHz | | ____ | | * OC = Open Content | | ** DIY = Do-it-yourself | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) 2006 Superfactory(TM) Enter (0) As a Prosumer you enter the shop floor (1) Play the game and win (2) Join the DIY building of Mini-FM kits at the workshop (3) Make up your own pirate radio station and broadcast (4) Join the Plug-in Party together with other Prosumers (5) Be revolutionary televised live! on Superfactory ASCII Channel TV (6) WWW - MP3-Audio-Livestream We don't want to show "informational free jazz" = synonym for free labour but the combination of a production process with a point of sale. And there is hard work on hardware! The Superfactory(TM) does not believe in immaterial work as the new new paradigm of capitalism. And there is no doubt, that radio exists under capitalistic circumstances. Sure, for real work in a real factory you need to buy the labour of the workers. But here in this mix of a factory with a supermarket you can exploit yourself. Sit down and assemble a transmitter and then do a better than good radio show for the people out there! It takes not more than 15 minutes of your lifetime-value (or more. YOU decide!). Join the Plug-in Party together with other Prosumers and don't forget to bring materials for Superfactory(TM) Plug-in Party! Exit Superfactory(TM) http://www.superfactory.biz Matze Schmidt, Karsten Asshauer, mi_ga, Martin Kuentz, Babzi |
____- \__/ .. Superfactory(TM) Prosumer-Phantoplasma @ Volksbuehne Berlin Play the Volks-Invaders! Radio-Plug-in-Party + DIY Avantgarde Als ein Prosumer werden Sie Ihren eigenen Mini-FM-Sender bauen und an der Radio-Plug-In-Party teilnehmen. Bitte bringen Sie Radios/MP3/CD/USB-Stick/Audiocassette/Notebook/GameBoy/MD/etc. mit. MP3-Audio-Livestream www.superfactory.biz:8000/listen.pls Volksbühne - Schwarz / Weisses Foyer Manischer Montag, 08.05.2006, 21:00 Uhr www.volksbuehne-berlin.de Volksbuehne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Linienstraße 227 D-10178 Berlin U-Bahn Linie 2 Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz S-Bahn Alexanderplatz Bus 200, 240 Tram Linie M2, M8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | -____ | | \__/ | | .. Superfactory(TM) | | | | | | Volksbuehne, Berlin | | | | ___ 1 | | | | 0 _____________ | | E |___| | | | | N O | X X X X X | | | T /|\ O | X X X X | | | R /\ O /|\ -----> | X . X X | ------------- | | A /|- /\ | _ . _ _ | | | | N /\ | ^ | | | | C ___ Prosumers enter |_____________| | | | E | | the Shop Floor V | | |___| Volks-Invaders | | Play & Win a 2 | | Mini-FM Kit + CD __________ | | | | | | | | | | 5 ------ | |_ | | | / | | \_\~ | | | ://WWW. [](- | | | | | \ | |__________| | | MP3-Audio-Livestream O | | | ____ /|- | Mini-FM | | | ^ /\ | Workshop | | | | | DIY** | | | | | | | BAR | | | | | | | | | | | O V 3 | | ____| 4 /|\ ______________________ | | ___________ /\ | | | | E | | | ))).((( | | | X | | | | | O | (((+))) ____| | | | I | | + | . | -|\ <----- | |_ | o| | | | T | + | | . | /\ | \_\~ |____| | | | O | | | + o | | | | | /|\ |___________|~~ |______________________| | | /\ | | Plug-in Party Free OC* broadcasting | | & receiving on MHz | | ____ | | * OC = Open Content | | ** DIY = Do-it-yourself | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) 2006 Superfactory(TM) |
Superfactory(TM) - Volksbuehne - Movie superfactory-tm-volksbuehne.mov [216 mb - 49:27 min - 320 X 230 px] |
____- \__/ .. Superfactory(TM) Kiosk Mod @ interfiction XII Kassel Friday - 11.11.2005 - 20:00 hrs @ interfiction XII/2005 Learning from...? Lernen von / mit / in Medienkulturen Offener Kanal im KulturBahnhof - Kassel Interdisziplinäre Workshop-Tagung im Rahmen des 22. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest 11. - 13. November 2005 http://www.interfiction.org/ |
Entrance |
Entrance |
Enter the Kiosk |
Mini-FM Workshop |
Mini-FM Workshop |
Mini-FM Workshop |
Mini-FM Workshop |
Mini-FM Workshop |
Plug-In-Party |
Free OC Broadcasting + Receiving |
Mini-FM Workshop + Playing the ASCII-MEMEX Game |
Playing the ASCII-MEMEX Game |
Playing the ASCII-MEMEX Game + DIY Bulding of kits |
Playing the ASCII-MEMEX Game + DIY Bulding of kits |
DIY Bulding of kits |
DIY Bulding of kits |
DIY Bulding of kits |
DIY Bulding of kits |
Exit the Kiosk |
____- \__/ .. Supersunday(TM) for particle/wave Helsinki webcam_mini-fm_transmitter_djing_gaming+drinking_tea-workshop_ on_a_sunday_afternoon_working@theweekend_in_p2p-berlin.stream 10th of April 2005 20:00 h - 22:00 h for particle/wave :: workshop :: hybrid radio practices Helsinki, April 14-18 2005 http://aura.siba.fi/particlewave/ We want to point out where we are and what we do because we are not in Helsinki (Finland) as we are in Berlin, Germany. And if you really want to know about Mini-FM and "Tux" The Cultural Capitalist tune your radioeyes in to the hype-rid tv-station in Berlin "SFRB" (Sender Freies Radio Berlin) -> http://superfactory.biz/originalcopy/06-This-is-SFRB.mp3 Webcamstream-Download: http://www.superfactory.biz/supersunday.rm (RealPlayer) Supersunday(TM) is a non registered trademark by Superfactory(TM) supported by mi_ga, various euro and radi0.tv Superfactory(TM) ASCII MEMEX Game "Be A Winner!" sponsored by idn Marketing Service http://superfactory.biz/game.html |
____- \__/ .. Superfactory(TM) "The problem is NOT copyright or licences, stupid! It's production!" (Anonymus) @ hack.it.art Italian Hacktivism and Net Culture Event Exhibition and Event presented by AHA - Activism-Hacking-Artivism 14th January - 27th February 2005 hack.it.art - opening - friday - 14.01.2005 - 19:00 h Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, Berlin kunstraum kreuzberg/bethanien http://www.kunstraumkreuzberg.de aha http://www.ecn.org/aha/ You can participate in the super factory in 5 easy steps: Enter 1 As a prosumer you enter the shop floor & get a ticket 2 Play the ASCII MEMEX Game - "Be A Winner!" and buy a bag for only € 3,- with: one manual + map, one original audio-cd with rip-material and one antenna for your own Mini-FM transmitter 3 Join the DIY building of Mini-FM kits at the workshop 4 Make up your own pirate radio station and broadcast on your MHz-frequenzy your own private/public underground radioshow 5 Be revolutionary televised live! on Superfactory Channel TV Exit Superfactory(TM) is a not registered trademark produced by Pi-Radio and displaced dilemma pi-radio http://piradio.de displaced dilemma displaced-dilemma.de The ASCII MEMEX Game sponsored by idn Marketing Service Klaus Steputat http://www.idn-box.de ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | -____ | | \__/ | | .. Superfactory(TM) | | | | ______________________ | | | | | | E | ))).((( | | | X | (((+))) ____| | | | I 4 | |_ | o| | | | T | \_\~ |____| | | | | | | | |______________________| | | Bethanien, Berlin | | Free OC* broadcasting | | & receiving on MHz | | | | ^ | | | | | | | | 5 | | | __________ O __________ | | |,-----. _ | ____ /|\ | | | | || | - | <-- | '<| /\ O | | | | ||_____| o | |____| /|\ 3 | |_ | | | |__________| O /\ | \_\~ | | | /|\ | | | | Superfactory Channel /\ |__________| | | TV live! | | Mini-FM Workshop | | + DIY** building | | of kits | | 1 2 ^ | | E __________ | | | N O | | | | | T O /|\ O | [][][] | | | | R /|\ /\ O /|\ -------> | [][][] | ----------- | | A /\ /|- /\ | [][][] | | | N /\ | ^ | | | C |__________| | | E Prosumers enter | | the shop floor ASCII MEMEX Game | | & get a ticket Winners get a | | bag with cd, | | antenna & map | | for € 3,- | | ____ | | * OC = Open Content | | ** DIY = Do-it-yourself | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) 2005 displaced dilemma | ||||||
hack.it.art - exhibition movie what_the_hack_it_art.avi [3:21 min - 33.7 mb - divx / xvid] | ||||||
Superfactory(TM) @ hack.it.art - Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien - Berlin - 14.01.05 - pictures | ||||||
Superfactory (TM) |
Entrance |
Entrance |
[1] Prosumers Enter the Shop- Floor |
[1] Prosumers get a Ticket to Play |
[2] Playing the ASCII-MEMEX Game |
[2] Playing the ASCII-MEMEX Game |
[2] Playing the ASCII-MEMEX Game |
[2] "We got a Winner!" |
[2] "We got a Winner!" |
[2] "We got a Winner!" |
[3] Mini-FM Workshop |
[3] Mini-FM Workshop |
[3] Mini-FM Workshop |
[3] DIY Bulding of kits |
[3] DIY Bulding of kits |
[3] DIY Bulding of kits |
[4] Free OC broadcasting |
[4] Free OC broadcasting |
[4] Free OC broadcasting |
[4] Receiving on MHz |
[4] Receiving on MHz |
[4] Receiving on MHz |
[4] Receiving on MHz |
[5] Superfactory Channel TV live! |
[5] Superfactory Channel TV live! |
[5] Superfactory Channel TV live! |
Exit |
hack.it.art - opening - Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien - Berlin - 14.01.05 | ||||||